Penjana Kerjaya
2022 HRDF Grant Helper Guidelines

Employers no longer requires to fill up the same course information. Information will be provided based on previous approval.
Perkeso Program Subsidi Upah
Akuan Pengisytiharan PSU50
Penjana HRDF

Place & Train
B40 Development
SME Development
Upskilling & Reskilling
Gerak Insan Gemilang (GIG)
Hiring Incentive
Incentive for employment of employee lower than 40 years old;
Incentive for employment of employee 40 years old and above; and
Incentive for employment of “golongan mudah terjejas” such as OKU and participants under Program Return to Work PERKESO.
Mobility Assistance (Bantuan Mobiliti)
New employee or apprentice under this program has moved more than 100km (one way) from employee’s residential address to working place is qualified to claim RM600 through employer;
If the relocation is involved from Sabah to Sarawak or Semenanjung Malaysia or vice versa, can claim RM1,000 through employer;
Mobility Assistance (Bantuan Mobiliti) will be paid to employee by one-off; and
New employee or apprentice only can claim Mobility Assistance once only.
Program Latihan
Provide reskilling and upskilling training through programme place and train based on the requirement of employer and employee under PenjanaKerjaya.